Life as a Digital Marketing Intern

What separates good content from great content is the willingness to take risks and push the envelope. - Brian Halligan, CEO & Co-founder, HubSpot

Over the past month, I have been working as a Digital Marketing Intern for Genomenon. I have learned a great deal about the interworkings of what it takes to be apart of the marketing industry, and how to communicate with various audiences effectively. 

So far, I have learned how to utilize SharpSpring, updated a persona list to improve communication between Genomenon and Pharma companies, drafted a press release, and add more contacts to a media list. My current tasks include updating the countries of over 21,000 contacts to improve global marketing communications with Mastermind users, as well as find and update bad emails to remove hard bounces from email campaigns. 

The most important thing I learned over the past month is the significance of proper data maintenance. Using CRM in a productive and effective manner, along with ensuring information is as up-to-date as possible to improve communication amongst the correct audiences.  
